UBC Sauder School of Business Innovation Fund

The UBC Sauder Innovation Fund allows the school to address immediate and emerging needs as they arise, directly improving the resources and experiences available to our students. Donations to the InnovationMore...

Special Thanks To

UBC Sauder's Faculty
UBC Sauder School of Business


The UBC Sauder Innovation Fund allows the school to address immediate and emerging needs as they arise, directly improving the resources and experiences available to our students.

Donations to the Innovation Fund support unique learning opportunities, elevate the student experience, and enhance spaces.

Your generosity will create innovative programs, address learning needs, and launch expanded student support initiatives.

Please join us as we address these challenges together.


Crowe MacKay LLP Afternoon Pick Me Up Challenge - Challenge Unlocked!
When 20 donors give to UBC Sauder on April 4 between 1-5 pm, a gift of $3,000 to the UBC Sauder School of Business Innovation Fund from loyal supporters Crowe MacKay LLP will be unlocked. Find out more about why Giving Day is important to Crowe MacKay LLP.

The ZLC Financial Race to 30 Challenge - Challenge Unlocked!
When 30 donations of $50 or more are made to UBC Sauder on April 4, a gift of $3,000 from ZLC Financial will be unlocked for the UBC Sauder School of Business Innovation Fund.

The UBC Sauder Faculty and Staff Challenge - Challenge Unlocked!
When UBC Sauder faculty and staff donate $1,500 to UBC Sauder on April 4, a gift of $1,500 to the UBC Sauder School of Business Innovation Fund will be unlocked. And if UBC Sauder faculty and staff donate $2,500 on April 4, Dean Dahl has promised to take part in a popular viral dance!

Let's move the world forward on April 4.

Donation Amount:

Want to support more than one fund? Find out how in our FAQs.

Please complete your billing details below. The information provided below will be used to issue your 2024 UBC Giving Day tax receipt and must match your credit card billing information.

Your Billing Details

Your Relationship with UBC:

If you would like to make a gift on behalf of someone else, you will have the option to add their name to the donor roll after you click “Donate.”

Donation Amount:

Note: Cardholder Name will be displayed on your tax receipt.

Choose how you would like your donation to appear on the donor roll on the next screen.

Questions? Check out our FAQs.

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